Monday, January 4, 2010

Top 5 Most Anticipated Movies of 2010

A new year always brings a new crop of movies. Some great, some.....otherwise.

So in my own humble opinion, are the 5 movies I'm looking forward to most in 2010.


There's a certain nostalgia surrounding the eighties action film: the simplistic to point of being ludicrous plots, the Shakespearean actors slumming it as terrorists, the hyper-masculine heroes who never seemed to run out of ammo. With that in mind, Sylvester Stallone has assembled possible the greatest cast of all-time to relive that wonderful era in cinema. Arnold Schwartzenegger! Sylvester Stallone! Jason Statham! Jet Li! Dolph Lundgren! Danny Trejo! Bruce Willis! and Mickey Rourke! There's going to be more protein on screen than in an training video for a slaughterhouse! The plot, something to do with super-secret commandoes and an assissination, is really just an excuse to kill thousands of people and blow alot of stuff up in a two hour period.


Michael Gondry is making a super-hero movie. That should be enough to at least get your ears perked up. Oh yeah, and Seth Rogen is playing The Green Hornet. Okay now I'm really confused. In what will clearly be one of the strangest offerings in 2010, alot of people are predicting disaster. I, however, am more upbeat. A quirky take on the classic 1930's pulp-noir hero could just be what the doctor ordered to take the superhero genre to new places, and anyone who thinks that Seth Rogen can't throw his weight around in a fight scene hasn't seen Observe and Report.

Okay, so the tag line of "Titans will Clash" doesn't bode well, but the original was a classic and with Greek Mythology becoming the next big thing now that Boy Wizards and Vampires are passe (See Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief), the movies does show alot of promise. Liam Neeson is Zeus, Sam Worthington is playing Perseus, but the real stars as far as I'm concerned will be the CGI and creature make-up effects.

2) IRON MAN 2!!

Marvel Studios achieved a hell of a feat when they turned one of their most obscure superheroes into one of their most successful films. Built on the back of an excellent script, Jon Favreau's smart and savvy direction and a stellar cast led by Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Iron Man transformed from a comic book back-bencher to a name even non-comic book geeks know. Naturally, there will be a sequel, also directed by Jon Favreau, and an ever amazing and expanding cast. Scarlett Johanssen, who hasn't been in a good movie in a while, will be playing the Black Widow, Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, and finally Don Cheadle appearing as War Machine!


Before rescuing Batman from Technicolor Hell and coaxing the performance of his short career out of Heath Ledger, Christopher Nolan was famous for creating incredibly dense and cerebral thrillers like Momento and Insomnia. With Inception, he returns to his roots. Starring the always impressive Leonardo Dicaprio and everyone's favorite pregnant teenager Ellen Page, everyone is being very tight-lipped about the plot and details are sparse. However, Christopher Nolan is good at screwing with out heads, so I'm excited.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and pretend that individuals of the female persuasion actually read my blog. Sex and the City is obviously one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons of the last 10 years, and with the original movie pleasing die hard fans and raking in an impressive box office take, it's apparent that the story of four women from Manhatten has legs.

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